SCREAMWALKERS is now streaming for FREE on Fawesome TV:
ScreamWalkers (2024) is NOW STREAMING Free with Ads on FAWESOME TV a free video app with no sign in required to watch. Described as "an all new shot-on-video homemade analog slasher that'll make you SCREAM!"
SYNOPSIS: Young CJ Wyatt finds herself in the center of the strange killings in her hometown. She learns that each of her friend's murders gets the killer one step closer to her discovering the terrifying truth of the mysterious "Screamwalkers."
The Ultimate 90’s Style Slasher Experience! Do you love 90's Horror? Slasher Movies? Lo-fi video? If you answered YES, this movie is for YOU! SCREAMWALKERS combines these concepts into one visually striking, plot-twisty, gory film!
Written, shot, directed and edited by Sean King (Chronicles of the Living Dead; The Ghouligans!). Executive produced by Pete Bune, Bob Heckman and Kelley Michael.
Stars Dino Castelli, Elizabeth Davoli, Julia DeVita, Jen Elyse Feldy, Aidan P. Finnegan, Sasha Graham, Arabelis Griffin, Talia Griffin, Ariann Huether, Ed Huether, Bernard Jackson, Glenn McBride Jr, Deana Naja, Andy Rowell, Jason Seidl, Celia Spero and Rose Stark.
Watch for Free on FAWESOME TV or Order a DVD at or Blu-ray at or VHS tape at!
Teaser:Official Trailer:
Social Media Links:
Indiegogo Campaign Video with Demo Scene. A Proof of Concept short for the soon to be made, shot-on-video feature film, SCREAMWALKERS:
Indiegogo Campaign Link:
ScreamWalkers on VHS, DVD and Blu-ray:
Blu-ray Commercial:
Meet the Creators of Scream Walkers:

Screamwalkers Director Sean King:

Indie Horror Spotlight: Interview The Director And Also The Star Of SCREAMWALKERS:

Audience Choice-Best Feature Film-SCREAMWALKERS @LongIslandFilmExpo 2024 & 2021:

" …the film has a surprising amount of gore that looks very well done. I wasn’t expecting that much of a throwback to 80s carnage with this one but the kills are violent and look absolutely great. Overall, Screamwalkers is the 90's S.O.V. Scream parody that you didn’t know you needed in your life. While it’s not perfect, it more than makes up for its shortcomings with humor and gore."
"From the killer’s costume directly inspired by Scream to the many deliberately grotesque steps and situations reminiscent of Nightmare on Elm Street...Screamwalkers succeeds on the ground chosen by its director: being a campy, fun, and easily entertaining Z-movie—the kind of film you return to the video store the next day with a smile on your face."
"I was hyped for this movie but went home and went to watch it and it kept stuttering and the audio was off it was a horrible experience no offense... and it was over dramatic in some parts for no reason like at the beginning with the killer chase and just throwing his arms around. The acting wasn't too good either. I don't want to come off to harsh the art and cover are good and it's a good idea but bad take on it. All do respect I thought it was going to be better and I gave my hopes up I spent 20$ on something that went into the garbage. Please do better and stop selling until you get the disc to not stutter and have better quality. Thank you. Never pick this copy up at horror hound for anyone reading this." 1/10 jameselliott-48896 at
"Elaborate dancing with triple bladed crescent knives. Perverted papirazzian psych major in a pink hat. Loud musical cues to make you jump out of your skin. Screamwalkers is a sov horror comedy that has its own unique feel. That feel? Absurdness mixed with a genuine feel of old school sov horror. The absurdness comes from the comedy aspect and personally, I’m not a fan. Nothing against this movie at all. I’m just not a huge fan of comedy infused horror. With that being said, I still enjoyed Screamwalkers. It has lots of different things going on and the detective/investigation subplot was awesome. We have Jason with Freddy’s glove, a person in a cat mask made to look like Ghostface, and a goddamn Mummy. It seems like a bunch of friends got together, decided to make a horror movie, and just had fucking fun with it. I had fun with them too. It’s well shot, has some tense moments, and bloody practical effects filled with organ stomping, eye gouging, and Sasha fucking Graham!!" ★★★½ Andrew Roby at
"Sharp, stylized, witty and very, very entertaining!! A shot on analog video movie that absolutely embodies the very very best of that niche of genre film. Never does the film allow itself to slip into “it’s supposed to be a B movie, so who cares” territory. Every frame drips with care, attention and love. If not for a few contemporary props the director chose to use such as a smartphone, one could easily believe this was an overlooked gem made during the 90s shot-on-video era. I enjoyed several really inventive shots in the film such as a “double vision” effect, and a scene where blood drips on a camera, and we then see the shot from the perspective of said camera, with blood dripping down a pane of glass placed in front of the camera. If you don’t have fun watching this film, you might be as dead as this horror thrill ride’s unfortunate victims!" ★★★★★ Dylan Mars at
YouTube Review:
SCREAM + SLEEPWALKERS = Screamwalkers combines everyone's two favorite films! - Hack The Movies:
Poster by David Graham @thedavidgrahamcollection:
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