Check out a preview of a Saturday morning cartoon called Candy Rot based on an upcoming 80's throwback practical effects Halloween monster feature film of the same name. A GoFundMe campaign has been started to help fund the creation of a full 11 minute animated short to pitch to series. Here are the first few paragraphs of the campaign, plus a description of the film:
Greetings, I'm horror host Dr. Shriek, some of you might know me as the publisher of the horror print publication Atomic Monster Magazine. For the past several months I've been developing an 80's throwback horror project called CANDY ROT, inspired by such classics as The Monster Squad and Night of the Creeps.
A collaboration with horror punk rockers The Anti-Bodies who wrote, and recorded the theme song. It started out as just a full length practical effects monster movie, and had turned into something much bigger. The goal is to not just making the live action movie, but also an animated series. About a month ago I wrote a 30 second short animated teaser script, and collaborated with Disney animator Uncle Mummy.
Since premiering on Instagram (or watch at YouTube above), it's gotten pretty good response online, we've decided to go forward, and produce an 11 min cartoon pilot that will also be used to screen at film festivals, and pitch the series to various streaming channels.
What's Candy Rot About?
In the small New England town of Pitchfork Falls, nothing interesting ever happens. That's until one Halloween night The Jack-o-Lantern Society, a group of three horror loving friends Greg, Beatrice and Adam who go to Forrest J Ackerman Jr. High must fight to save their beloved home from a mutated radioactive pumpkin headed monster called Candy Rot, and his army of flesh eating zombies...
Read the full campaign description or donate at:
Candy Rot, Dr. Shriek and Uncle Mummy social media links:
RELATED POST: Saturday Morning HORROR Cartoons
Art by Drew Rausch: