A blog about horror movies that take place during Halloween or fall season and where to watch them. With posts containing movie news, trailers, official posters, fan art, poster collections, stills/screen captures, reviews, video mixtapes, short films, and vhs, dvd, blu-ray, 4K uhd covers.

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Jack O' Lantern FACES OF HORROR Artwork

Horror Movie Pumpkins by Ricardo R. at freelancer.com/u/RRamirezR

Famous Pumpkins 1 by Alby Letoy at dribbble.com/AlbyLetoy

Squad Gourds on cosmetic bags, tote bags, pillows, greeting card, gift wrap and stickers, shop at ghostgirlgreetings.com

Horror Movie Pumpkins 1 (above) and 2 (below) by Iwan D. at freelancer.com/u/iwanbonano

Horror Movie Pumpkins (above and below) by MarĂ­a Alicia P. at freelancer.com/u/marialipena

Halloween Pumpkin Horror Characters by @cromanart, shop links at linktr.ee/cromanart

Horror Villains as Pumpkins by Ash Robertson @ashrobertsondesign, social bio and shop links at ashrobertson.com/social-bio/

Halloween Horror Pumpkins prints or stickers by @tireddeye, shop at etsy.com/uk/shop/TIREDDEYE

Movie Jack O Lanterns:

12 PUMPKINS HALLOWEEN print by @allangraves, shop at www.hauntedgraves.uk

Horror Jack O' Lanterns by thehorrorsofhalloween.com


Happy Happy Halloween, Halloween, Halloween. Happy Happy Halloween, Silver Shamrock!

Halloween: Season of the Shape is a minute-long fan film tribute to Halloween and Halloween III: Season of the Witch. Based on characters created by John Carpenter, Debra Hill, & Tommy Lee Wallace.

Written, directed, filmed, & starring TJ Frizzi
Editing & visual effects by Alex DiVincenzo (aka BrokeHorrorFan.com)
Special thanks to Michael Jacobs

This production is a work of fan fiction and is not affiliated with Compass International Pictures, Trancas International Pictures, Universal Pictures, the Halloween film property, or its characters.

Saturday, October 30, 2021

HALLOWEEN 4 (1988) An Homage to the Opening Credits by WITCHING SEASON FILMS

From Witching Season Films on YouTube:

Happy Halloween, friends! As an effort to show our ultimate appreciation and love for the iconic opening title sequence to Halloween 4, we've put together this little homage. Our goal was to both show our love for the film and its stunning, atmospheric intro while also capturing and sharing what the existing filming locations look like, 33 years later. Thank you to all the fans who helped us to find them and to the owners who so graciously allowed us to film. We suggest you play the original credits alongside this video for the full experience.

Filmed & Edited by: Michael Ballif
Music by: Randin Graves
Camera Assistant & Special Thanks: Jeffrey Ackerman
Props by: Sadie Z Ballif and Jake Watters


The following is a fan-made homage to the opening title sequence from Halloween 4. This project is in no way affiliated with the copyright owners of the Halloween film franchise.

This project was created by fans to show our appreciation for the iconic opening credits to Halloween 4. This project is free and no profit shall be made from its viewing.

Saturday Morning HORROR Cartoons

Halloween Heroes! Grab a bowl of cereal and watch Michael Myers and the Silver Shamrock Halloween III. Video by Frank's Kid at Vimeo.com:

Happy Halloween, Charlie Brown. Art and video by Frank's Kid Art at Facebook.com:

Schroeder plays the Halloween Theme for Lucy while...

...Peanuts Michael Myers dances along with...

Peanuts Leatherface,...

Peanuts Jason and...

...Peanuts Freddy Krueger. Videos by Frank's Kid Art at Facebook.com:

Charlie Voorhees and Lucy Enamel Pin by Frank's Kid Art at Facebook.com:

The Night He Came Home, Charlie Brown by Josh Bravo at Vimeo:

Michael Myers and the Masters of the Universe have the power by Frank's Kid Art at Facebook.com:

Jason Ho! Thundercats by Frank's Kid Art at Facebook.com:

Jason and Friends! intro by Frank's Kid at Vimeo.com:

Looks like someone decided to go back into space...Jason Voorhees on Star Trek: The Animated Series by Frank's Kid at Vimeo.com:

Teenage Horror Seriel Killers:

Smurfette’s big secret is revealed on the last day of summer at Sleepaway Camp:

Groovy...The Book of the Dead on Reading Rainbow. Last 3 Videos by Frank's Kid Art at Facebook.com:

The Jackson 4...Poor Tito, featuring zombie Michael Jackson. Video by Frank's Kid at Vimeo.com:

The Misfits and Scooby Doo by @franks_kid:

Kandy Korn. Video by Mr. Extreme-o Man:

Halloween Legends! Video by Mr. Extreme-o Man:

Happy Slashers Opening Theme. Video by YouTuber For The Burgh:

Sam in Trick 'r Treat: Season's Greetings. HD Video by Michael Dougherty:

Happy Halloween by @franks_kid

Friday, October 29, 2021

THE BARN II (2022) Official Poster and Trailer

This Halloween No One Can Stop the Harvest. Check out The Barn Part II (2022) Official Poster (above) and Trailer #1 (below) just in time for Halloween. The Barn (2016), which is streaming free on Tubi, was set in 1989, the sequel takes place in 1992.

SYNOPSIS: Three years later our final girl Michelle is now in college. However, she is still plagued with the questions of what truly happened after what she believes was only a ritualistic attack that killed all her friends. With the ban on Halloween lifted in her hometown, the sorority girls of Gamma Tau Psi place Michelle and her best friend Heather in charge of the annual haunted house. Unfortunately for Michelle some uninvited trick or treaters from her past come knocking...

Surviving cast Lexi Dripps as Michelle, Mitchell Musolino, Will Stout, Linnea Quigley and Ari Lehman return for the sequel. Other horror icons joining the cast include Diana Prince aka Darcy the Mail Girl, Joe Bob Briggs, Doug Bradley and Lloyd Kaufman. I'm excited for this, I ordered the Blu-ray from the Indiegogo campaign a couple of years ago.

Pre-Order a copy of the Blu-ray/DVD and more at igg.me/at/thebarnpart2
or LIKE the Facebook page www.facebook.com/TheBarnmovie/

HALLOWEEN HORROR Monster Mashup Artwork

Halloween The Night They Came Home (above) and Happy Halloween Tribute (below) artwork by John Dowding @thedarkonesposters

The Best Movies That Take Place on Halloween poll results at ComingSoon.net

3 versions of Halloween Horrorthon with subtle differences by Evgenij Kungur at @evgenijkungur and vk.com/id284135390

Samhain Mashup artwork by Old Creeps Art Club @oldcreeps
and facebook.com/oldcreeps

...Trick 'r Treat Rules artwork (above & below) by Mario Myers @mario_myers_specialeffects

Sam's 4 Rules of Halloween artwork by Casey Booth Art @caseybooth, shop at shop.caseybooth.me

Sam's 4 Rules of Halloween artwork by Amber Myers @amyers_pinzz, shop at amyerspinzz.bigcartel.com

Trick or Treat with Little Charlie, Pogo, Eddie, and Zody art created by Nache Ramos @nacheramosart for t-shirt by @creep_o_rama.

Trick 'r Treat (commission) art created by killb94 at deviantart.com for YouTube channel The Keno Corner.

Better Check the Peephole Sam tricks and treats with friends by Tony Orcutt @orcuttsart

Happy Halloween Horor Movie Mash-Up by Sam Rogers @samsillustration,
buy print by SAMSILLUSTRATIONS at etsy.com

Halloween Party from Hell by Juan José Saldarriaga @juanjoseart1980

80's Halloween Party by Jim'll Paint It @jimllpaintit,
buy print at jimll.co.uk

Freddy, Jason, Michael Myers, and Ghostface in Tesco ransacking the Halloween display and trying on masks of each other. They’re all making fun of Candyman because there aren’t any costumes of him and he’s in the background being comforted by the Tesco greeter and some old dears. By Jim'll Paint It @jimllpaintit.

Find Your Spirit painting featuring Trick 'r Treat's Sam along with lots of other horror icons by Taby Peters @cryptkittydesigns, shop at cryptkittydesigns.com.

Halloween Rising horror icons in a jack 'o lantern filled cemetery by Mika Cy Aldi @mika_mikaaldy

Halloween Horror artwork by Bon Bernardo @batang_90s_art,
buy t-shirt at teepublic.com

Halloween Horror Icons action figures pic by DarkCornerProduction at deviantart.com.

Horror Monster Names Spell out Halloween by ? found at MichaelMyersFanGroup on facebook.com

Thursday, October 28, 2021


Watch the opening scene of HE NEVER LEFT in the Indiegogo Campaign pitch video below. Described as A Halloween-themed slasher film that blends visceral realism with heavy atmosphere and nostalgia. Poster above by Marc Schoenbach at SadistArtDesigns.com:

From Indiegogo:


Witching Season Films was started in 2015 by filmmaker Michael Ballif, whose first project under the brand was a five-episode Halloween anthology, The Witching Season. Directed by Ballif and James Morris, the series had several viral hits on YouTube, went on to receive physical distribution through Scream Team Releasing, and landed a long-term spot on multiple streaming services such as Amazon Prime and Tubi.

In 2020, Witching Season Films released their first feature-length movie, They Live Inside Us (written and directed by Michael Ballif, starring James Morris), which went on to screen at numerous festivals, win several awards, and receive a global distribution deal from film giant Gravitas Ventures.

Now, in 2021, the company has begun production on their second feature-film, He Never Left (written and directed by James Morris), which tells the story of Gabriel, a fugitive hiding out in a rundown motel, who after hearing strange noises from an adjoining room, accidentally becomes the target of a notorious killer who’s legend has haunted the local community for decades.


Our tight-knit team of passionate, Halloween & horror-loving filmmakers have been hard at work deciding what project would come next. The global pandemic was (and continues to be) a major factor in many of the decisions made over the last couple of years, delaying multiple projects and throwing a wrench into numerous things we had hoped to get moving on.

However, for the past year, James Morris has been hard at work on a new concept, which was officially approved by founder Michael Ballif, and is now in pre-production with a hopeful release of late 2022.

The film is Written & Directed by James Morris and produced by Morris and Michael Ballif. Ballif will also be reprising his role as Cinematographer. The film will feature a new, terrifying score by Composer Randin Graves. Witching Season veterans Sadie Ballif, Allen Bradford, Hailey Nebeker, Jordan Swenson, and Samuel Morris are also returning. The film features an original and haunting mask created and designed by the one and only Billy-James of Open Grave FX. Taking everything we have learned from both The Witching Season and They Live Inside Us, our team is excited to create a new, terrifying installment in the Witching Season Films saga.

We at Witching Season Films have spent years trying to bring you (our audience) nostalgic, exciting, and often free content, and although we have come a long way, we are still turning to the passionate indie-horror community to help bring this project to life.


We've completed the opening sequence, but now we need to make the rest of the film. We are hoping to raise a starter fund of $15,000, which would allow us to fully-fund the basic needs.

We are planning to move into production in the early Spring of 2022.

Followers of our previous work know the type of quality we can achieve with very little, and we have always taken great pride in our transparency and refusal to inflate our production with unnecessary expenditures.

Obviously, the more we can raise the better, and any additional funds over-goal will absolutely be utilized directly into production, but starting small has never been a problem for us.


A message from James Morris (Writer/Director):

Making movies is such an interesting experience. Through all the stress, late nights, anxiety, and sweat, we continue on… why? Because there is nothing in this world that gives me more fulfilment than stepping back after all is said and done, and letting something I’ve helped create out into the world for everyone to see.

There is absolutely nothing like it.

I have been so lucky to have an amazing group of friends to work on these projects with, but all of us are also eternally grateful to you (those who support us, watch our content, put up with our antics, and stick around for better or worse). I know I can speak for everyone when I say that you are the reason we do what we do, you are the reason we continue to make films, and you are the reason we have no plans to stop.

With your help, myself and the rest of the Witching Season Films team can’t wait to bring you another horror-fueled feature-film, and we are eternally grateful for all of your continued support!

Let’s make a movie.


Supporting our crowdfund, whether it’s picking up one of our exciting perks, or hopping on board in one of our producer roles, is how this movie will get made. But just as important as physical contributions, so is word of mouth.

The indie-horror community full of incredible, talented, and passionate people, and the more of them we can reach the more successful this film will ultimately be.

So please, contribute, pick up some goodies, and help spread the word about this new film!

Perks include Thank You credit, signed 11x17 poster, signed blu-ray, t-shirt, sountrack bundle, vhs, signed 24x36 poster, signed script, He Never Left bundle, missing person photo extra, video chat with Count Spookula, screen used knife, screen used mask, associate producer, and executive producer.