A blog about horror movies that take place during Halloween or fall season and where to watch them. With posts containing movie news, trailers, official posters, fan art, poster collections, stills/screen captures, reviews, video mixtapes, short films, and vhs, dvd, blu-ray, 4K uhd covers.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

CineFix presents HALLOWEEN (1978) in 8-Bit Cinema

Get ready for Halloween with a digital dose of Michael Myers in glorious 8-bit arcade form. Who would have thought that all of the killing in the classic 1978 horror film "Halloween" could be interpreted as "Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!" Directed by Norwood Cheek, animation by Raz Mergian, music and titles by Norwood Cheek.

8 Bit is the third generation of video gaming started in 1983 with the Japanese release of the Nintendo Family Computer and Sega. Youtuber Cinefix's 8-bit Cinema videos "gamifies" your favorite Hollywood Blockbusters into 80's arcade and NES inspired action! Watch more 8-bit Cinema here.


  1. Yeah this is pretty cool, gave me memories of playing Mike Tyson's Punch-out on Nintendo back in the day.
