The original title of John Carpenter's Halloween (1978).
It’s hard to imagine a series so iconic as Halloween being called something else. Of course, this was before a franchise was in mind. The first, and originally thought to be a stand alone, film was originally supposed to be called The Babysitter Murders, which to me sounds like a Lifetime movie loosely based on real events. Supposedly the events of the film were to take place over the span of several days, but due to budget reasons, the film ends up taking place over the same evening and what better evening than the scariest night of them all than Halloween? I heard John Carpenter was influenced by Bob Clark’s shocking slasher Black Christmas and wanted to do a sequel based on that wherein the killer would be escaping an asylum and wreaking havoc on Halloween. In any case, I’m sure we are all glad the title was switched, giving us a reason to marathon the series every October.
Check out more Horror Movie Titles That Almost Were and posters of these well known horror films: The Evil Dead, Friday the 13th, Scream, Alien, Child's Play, Psycho, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Night of the Lepus and Jeepers Creepers at the iHorror.com article below:
Horror Movie Titles That Almost Were - iHorror.com
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