A blog about horror movies that take place during Halloween or fall season and where to watch them. With posts containing movie news, trailers, official posters, fan art, poster collections, stills/screen captures, reviews, video mixtapes, short films, and vhs, dvd, blu-ray, 4K uhd covers.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Buy ALL HALLOWS EVIL: LORD OF THE HARVEST (2012) on Limited Edition Blu-ray

UPDATE 10/31/2023: Watch the full film at YouTube.

John McLellen at www.facebook.com/ALLHALLOWSEVIL has a limited amount of Blu-ray discs for sale of the 2012 film ALL HALLOWS EVIL: LORD OF THE HARVEST. Just send him a message on the films Facebook page with how many copies you would like and your Paypal email address and he will send you a Paypal invoice for $20.00 each, first come first serve. The copies will be ready for shipping next week.

UPDATE 10/13/2014: You can now buy the Directors Cut Limited Edition Blu-ray of the film on ebay at http://www.ebay.com/itm/Halloween-Horror-feature-film-All-Hallows-Evil-Lord-of-the-Harvest-Bluray-/141420968399. This edition is signed by the director and numbered. Only LIMITED COPIES available.

Here is the film synopsis from IMDb.com:

An Evil force is summoned on All Hallows Eve, and now the sleepy town of Hallowed Hill will endure the dark Lords vengeance.

Here is the teaser trailer:


  1. I need someone to post this film on the internet for us again. There is no way to enjoy this film made 9 years ago anymore.

    1. It's on YouTube now at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNEeImJZn48. Don't know how long it will be up.

    2. Is there anywhere to buy a bluray/dvd ?
